Going from -1 to 0
A lot of techbros talk about going from 0 to 1. But do you know what comes before 0? -1.
You start with an itch to build something, you probably don’t even have an idea. You then need to find people to collaborate with. You quickly realize most people don’t want to do jack shit outside of their jobs. Most people have a life. They are not going to sit there working on stuff that might never go anywhere on weekends.
Slowly you find your tribe of weirdos. 2-3 is enough. You then beat around the bush for a while, coming up with ideas. It’s really really easy to dream up million dollar ideas. You talk about getting funding, equity splits, becoming billionaires.
Then comes the reality phase. Ideas are easy, execution is what’s hard. You need to know how to work as a team, how to communicate, how to get things done, how do you organize your ideas. How do you stop circlejerking and get somewhere that matters?
You need to build that landing page, design your product, grow your social media, get the word out, talk to mentors etc. At this point if you are already thinking of these things or you have just started executing, congrats you are almost at 0. Oh and btw your progress will be really slow if you don’t have money, you can’t hire anyone at this stage, you need to do everything by yourself, there’s no escaping that.
Most people talk talk talk, but even getting to 0 is hard as fuck. Most dreamers don’t even get there. Most people don’t talk about this journey.
P.S. If you have money this journey would probably be easier for you, unfortunately for most that’s not an option.